Tuesday 10 March 2015

Creating Magwitch

Health and Safety: If using a model place apron around the neck to protect clothing. 
Always ensure to run a client consultation to check for any infections, allergies or contraindications.
Wash hands before touching the clients skin. 
Products Used:
- Illamasqua Matte Primer
- Translucent Powder 
- Dermacolour Concealer Palette (D9)
- Kryolan Eyeshadow Palette (Dark Brown & Charcoal)
- Supracolour (white, red, black, purple)
- Fake Blood

Process Of Creation
1. Place an apron around around the model to protect clothing.
2. Cleanse, tone and moisturise the face to ensure all makeup has been removed. 
3. Apply a matte primer to the skin to remove any shininess. 
4. Taking an angled brush begin to age the face using the concealer palette to provide the right amount of shading. 
5. Get the model to perform exaggerated expressions such as frowning, raising the eyebrows, pouting and smiling and fill the natural creases with a line of the brown supracolour using a thin brush.
6. Using a clean finger blend out the lines to create a more natural looking fold in the skin. 
7. Reapply into the creases to enhance the appearance of wrinkles.
8. Powder the face to set the makeup.
9. Using a disposable mascara wand and red supracolour begin to create scratches on the cheek. 
10. With the same technique add black and brown to the scratch marks to create depth.
11. Dab fake blood into the scratches. 
12. Brush white supracolour into the facial hair, brows and hair to create an aged effect. 
13. Using clean hands rub the hair all over to create a messy appearance. 
14. Crush up some brown and black eyeshadow onto a palette and using a large fluffy brush flick the product all over the face and chest to create the appearance of dirt. 
15. Add costume piece. 

Due to the not so fantastic results of my continuity Miss Havisham assessment I took it upon myself to demonstrate my understanding of the novels characters and design further by recreating one of my favourite characters from the novel, Magwitch. I found creating a character in my own time so enjoyable and I really felt I was able to produce an image to be proud of from taking time out to do this, within the novel there is not a great deal of description surrounding Magwitch's physical appearance other than the fact that he has been in a fight and wears a dirty rag around his head. Other than that most of his description in the early stages of the book is behavioural such as the way he "eats like a dog", this was greatly beneficial as it allowed for a lot of creative interpretation in how I wanted to present my version. The makeup itself was really easy to apply as it mainly involved dirtying down the model and applying basic wounding to the cheek in the form of scratches. As a result I was able to produce this rather quickly but found the results were highly effective. If only my Miss Havisham had been as successful but I do feel this was greatly due to pressure I placed on myself in striving to achieve a character concept that in hindsight was probably to complex for the time limit given in continuity assessments. 

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