Thursday, 1 January 2015


 List of products/materials used throughout unit
- Annotated Face Charts with list of products used – reflection on appropriateness
- Photographs of trials in studio (test shots), with evidence of working on 3 different models

ALL Technical Notes including:
- Consultation notes used in studio
-  Theatrical ageing/Creping of the skin
-  Historical Victorian hair
-  Cuts, scratches, bruises and the perfect black eye
-  Victorian hair style - Estelle and Miss Havisham
-  Practice look of Miss Havisham both hair and make up technical classes
-  Burns, how to recreate, with different products
-  Creating Miss Havisham, continuity image.
-  Creating Estelle image
-  Creating light scaring, using molds, how to attach to the skin, how to colour
-  Dark eyes and lips.
-  Contemporary Victorian Hairstyles, Inspired by American Horror

Your technical file must be checked and signed off by your technical instructor during the timetabled session at the end of the unit. Please see the teaching schedule for the date and time. THIS SHEET WILL NOT BE SIGNED OFF OUTSIDE OF YOUR TIMETABLED SESSIONS.

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